Monday, May 9, 2011

Architecture Preview

This picture meets the description because it's a close up, and it shows the detail of the building.

This picture works because it shows the nature lighting hitting the EMP, and the lighting shows the buildings curves and way of the building. 

This picture works because it shows the patter from the staircase.

This angle of the building works because it shows just how abstract the building is.

I think this picture works because the tree tops help frame the buildings.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Action Shoot

Trying to win back his lunch money, Tim evens the score with the layout he calls "Micheal Jordan." As it turns out he played that layout several times and not only won back his money but an extra 30 dollars.

Leaving for work on his daily route, Martin Telvo drives in his new Ford truck his wife got him. Ever since he was a little boy he wanted one, so on his 41st birthday his wife thought he was ready for one. 

In the heat of the day, Tim attempts to score a point leaving the AP's impressed with his mid-air jump. They where going to take him to ISS for skipping but changed their mind to let him stay and practice for the Thursday basketball game.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Architecture Pictures

Nautilus House, Mexico
Who: Javier Senosiain
When: 2006
Where: In Mexico city
The reason the building was built was because the clients or people buying the house wanted something different and modern house. This house is a private house.
The reason I picked this building is because it was very neat to see, and it is just inviting. It's very surreal to my eyes to see the thing I usually only see at the beach to be turned into someone's home. Also hearing that the inside of the house it was almost like there was no floor but instead only walls of the house since the ground inside looks exactly like the ground outside. It was just amazing to look at and it makes me want to go to Mexico right now and stay there, just so I can say I lived in a shell.

Hundertwasserhaus, Germany 
Who: Friedensreich Regentag Dunkelbunt Hundertwasser
When: 1970's

Where: In Vienna, Austria
The reason for building this apartment building is because the mayor of Vienna wanted Hundertwasswer to make a building since he was a very respected painter. This building is open to the public.
The reason I picked this building is because it is very interesting and unique, well all these building are very unique. I think the fact that Hundertawasswer was able to make such an magnificent piece of art that isn't going to waste and gives people a place to stay is pretty awesome doing both in one.

 Guggenheim Museum, Spain

Who: Frank Gehry
When: 1997
Where: Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain
This building is open to the public. The reason for building such an amazing work of art is to show what inside is almost as astonishing as the outside. The random turns and curves of the wall where made to capture the light from the sun.
The reason that I picked this building was because it reminded me a lot of a place I once visited. It had the same unusual appeal and bizarre shape.Except that building was over seas in Seattle,Washington. I think it's the most unique and unusual things that catch our eyes and find more beautiful.

Cubic Houses, Netherlands
Who: Piet Blom