Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Abandoned Theme Parks

{Unable to get the photo}

The place I would want to go to is Takakanonuma Greenland, Japan. The reason that I picked that place was because I think its would be interesting to see an old theme park fall apart in the hills of Fukushima, located in Japan. It seem very interesting not only because its a foreign country but because I think it would be nice to see how the forest is trying to take back control of the land.
Other places I would enjoy to go to is old ghost town with old movie theaters,falling apart schools, and old antique stores. Another place would probably be Seattle. Not only because its a beautiful city but because supposedly there is a town right under the city. It would probably the only place i could take photos at, because I have family there and all I would need to do is go and take a camera with me. To me it would be very fascinating to go underground and take pictures of what use to be a city.

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