:( no more blogger.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Monday, May 23, 2011
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Monday, May 9, 2011
Architecture Preview
This picture meets the description because it's a close up, and it shows the detail of the building.
This picture works because it shows the nature lighting hitting the EMP, and the lighting shows the buildings curves and way of the building.
This picture works because it shows the patter from the staircase.
This angle of the building works because it shows just how abstract the building is.
I think this picture works because the tree tops help frame the buildings.
I think this picture works because the tree tops help frame the buildings.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Action Shoot
Trying to win back his lunch money, Tim evens the score with the layout he calls "Micheal Jordan." As it turns out he played that layout several times and not only won back his money but an extra 30 dollars.
Leaving for work on his daily route, Martin Telvo drives in his new Ford truck his wife got him. Ever since he was a little boy he wanted one, so on his 41st birthday his wife thought he was ready for one.
In the heat of the day, Tim attempts to score a point leaving the AP's impressed with his mid-air jump. They where going to take him to ISS for skipping but changed their mind to let him stay and practice for the Thursday basketball game.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Architecture Pictures
Nautilus House, Mexico
Who: Javier Senosiain
When: 2006
Where: In Mexico city
The reason the building was built was because the clients or people buying the house wanted something different and modern house. This house is a private house.
The reason I picked this building is because it was very neat to see, and it is just inviting. It's very surreal to my eyes to see the thing I usually only see at the beach to be turned into someone's home. Also hearing that the inside of the house it was almost like there was no floor but instead only walls of the house since the ground inside looks exactly like the ground outside. It was just amazing to look at and it makes me want to go to Mexico right now and stay there, just so I can say I lived in a shell.
Hundertwasserhaus, Germany
Who: Friedensreich Regentag Dunkelbunt Hundertwasser
When: 1970's
Where: In Vienna, Austria
The reason for building this apartment building is because the mayor of Vienna wanted Hundertwasswer to make a building since he was a very respected painter. This building is open to the public.
The reason I picked this building is because it is very interesting and unique, well all these building are very unique. I think the fact that Hundertawasswer was able to make such an magnificent piece of art that isn't going to waste and gives people a place to stay is pretty awesome doing both in one.
Guggenheim Museum, Spain
Who: Frank Gehry
When: 1997
Where: Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain
This building is open to the public. The reason for building such an amazing work of art is to show what inside is almost as astonishing as the outside. The random turns and curves of the wall where made to capture the light from the sun.
The reason that I picked this building was because it reminded me a lot of a place I once visited. It had the same unusual appeal and bizarre shape.Except that building was over seas in Seattle,Washington. I think it's the most unique and unusual things that catch our eyes and find more beautiful.
Cubic Houses, Netherlands
Who: Piet Blom
Monday, April 18, 2011
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Caption Warm-up
1. Running away from Toby, Andrew Louis finds it very difficult to steer away from the 4-legged animal that is a blind and navigates with sound. This amazing animal has a rare blind condition that only 1 in 200 survive.
_the picture has leading lines to the boy running.,this picture has a merger, it looks like the goat has a foot coming out of his behind.,
_the picture has leading lines to the boy running.,this picture has a merger, it looks like the goat has a foot coming out of his behind.,
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Practicing caption writing...
1.In the picture Courtney Jackson is posing by herself at the homecoming football game. She was always at the games in the front row cheering for her following classmate Lonnie Davis.
2.Brandon Watsin is making the winning shot for Akins junior varsity against LBJ. His shot didn't actually make it instead it bounced off one of the LBJ players and the eagles lost 45-60.
Composition_The photographer took the picture not realizing the merger in the background, there are leading lines in the picture to the ball, the rule of third.
3.Drawing a abstract picture, David Maldanado uses his white pencil to make the drawing more detailed. After an hour of detailing the drawing he got to send his art work to a exhibit in downtown Austin.
Composition_Merger in the back of the main subject and the male in the back.,viewpoint..
4.Blinking her big yellow eyes at everyone, Gigi is being hold by bird trainer Abigael Lourdes. After being trained for 6 more months Gigi will be set free so she may live on her in her own habitat.
Composition_lines from the person's arms to the bird,.rule of thirds.
Composition_lines from the person's arms to the bird,.rule of thirds.
Friday, April 8, 2011
In the presentation I thought the pictures where very moving and sweet. They each where different and each animal had it's own character, their own personality. I think the black and white made it look even more magnificent.
My favorite picture from the slide show is the one with all the elephants together and the mother is standing over the baby. To me it's a beautiful photograph because it shows how the mother is protective of her baby and how she cares for her baby.
What kind of camera did he use?
He used a Pentax67II with only two fixed lenses.
What is his reason for taking the photos?
The reason he takes these pictures is so people can see the beautiful animals before people extinct them.
What is his hope by taking these types of photos?
He wants people to see the animals in their state of being. How they naturally are instead of taking them out of their home and making them pose in ways that's not them.
"You wouldn't take a portrait of a human being from a hundred feet away and expect to capture their spirit; you'd move in close."
In the presentation I thought the pictures where very moving and sweet. They each where different and each animal had it's own character, their own personality. I think the black and white made it look even more magnificent.
My favorite picture from the slide show is the one with all the elephants together and the mother is standing over the baby. To me it's a beautiful photograph because it shows how the mother is protective of her baby and how she cares for her baby.
What kind of camera did he use?
He used a Pentax67II with only two fixed lenses.
What is his reason for taking the photos?
The reason he takes these pictures is so people can see the beautiful animals before people extinct them.
What is his hope by taking these types of photos?
He wants people to see the animals in their state of being. How they naturally are instead of taking them out of their home and making them pose in ways that's not them.
"You wouldn't take a portrait of a human being from a hundred feet away and expect to capture their spirit; you'd move in close."
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
News paper elements
1. Proximity: http://www.austinchronicle.com/blogs/news/2011-04-06/the-daily-hustle-4-5-11/
2.Prominence: http://new.music.yahoo.com/blogs/stopthepresses/392189/the-osbournes-17-million-in-debt-risk-losing-home/ 3. Timeliness:http://worldblog.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2011/04/12/6458415-japans-warning-system-gives-seconds-to-prep-for-shake
7.Human interest:http://www.cnn.com/2011/CRIME/04/12/new.york.bodies.search/index.html?iref=obinsite
2.Prominence: http://new.music.yahoo.com/blogs/stopthepresses/392189/the-osbournes-17-million-in-debt-risk-losing-home/ 3. Timeliness:http://worldblog.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2011/04/12/6458415-japans-warning-system-gives-seconds-to-prep-for-shake
7.Human interest:http://www.cnn.com/2011/CRIME/04/12/new.york.bodies.search/index.html?iref=obinsite
Monday, April 4, 2011
WHO_President Barack Obama
WHAT_He's getting for the 2012 election
WHERE_In the U.S.
WHEN_ For 2012
WHY_He's getting ready now so he can win next year.
HOW_By calling sponsors and telling them to start raising money for his coming election.
WHAT_He's getting for the 2012 election
WHERE_In the U.S.
WHEN_ For 2012
WHY_He's getting ready now so he can win next year.
HOW_By calling sponsors and telling them to start raising money for his coming election.
Basic News Writing
WHO_Austin school district.
WHAT_The school district is going to cut jobs
WHEN_In the school year of 2011-2012.
WHERE_In Austin.
WHY_Because there are going to be short 94.4 million.
HOW_They don't have much money to pay all of them.
WHO_Barry Bonds
WHAT_He is being accused of taking steroids.
WHEN_During his time of being a professional baseball player.
WHERE_In California
WHY_So he can do time for breaking a law.
HOW_Since it's against the law to do any steroids while playing any professional sport.
WHO_Evacuees from Japan.
WHAT_They can't go back to there homes for a long period of time.
WHEN_ This is happening right now.
WHERE_In Japan.
WHY_Since the radiation has spread everywhere and it's contaminated the food and water.
HOW_Since the tsunami destroyed the power plant it messed up the bombs so it let radiation out everywhere.
WHAT_The school district is going to cut jobs
WHEN_In the school year of 2011-2012.
WHERE_In Austin.
WHY_Because there are going to be short 94.4 million.
HOW_They don't have much money to pay all of them.
WHO_Barry Bonds
WHAT_He is being accused of taking steroids.
WHEN_During his time of being a professional baseball player.
WHERE_In California
WHY_So he can do time for breaking a law.
HOW_Since it's against the law to do any steroids while playing any professional sport.
WHO_Evacuees from Japan.
WHAT_They can't go back to there homes for a long period of time.
WHEN_ This is happening right now.
WHERE_In Japan.
WHY_Since the radiation has spread everywhere and it's contaminated the food and water.
HOW_Since the tsunami destroyed the power plant it messed up the bombs so it let radiation out everywhere.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
My interview with Valerie
1.Hello, how are you today?
I'm good, thank you.
2.Is being student of the month what you wanted?
Yes,it's a great honor.
3.Why do you think you are the student of the month?
I believe it's because I'm friendly and passionate about things I believe in.
4.How does your parents feel about it?
My mom is pretty shocked. Because it's me and she doesn't think I do anything.
5.How do you feel about being student of the month?
I feel cool. People don't believe I can achieve things and I'm like BAM! I'm student of the month, are you?
6.What are you like in school?
Really loud, a little bit too loud, I ask a lot of questions and befriend everyone.
7.How are you grades?
At the current moment not so good,but I'm working on it.
8.What are your favorite classes?
I really really really like English. It's my favorite subject.
9.What is your most difficult classes?
World history.I think I have the lowest grade in that class.
10.Who helps you with all your difficult classes?
My friend Caroline. She helps me with everything.
11.Do you think it's right to only give it to you?
Ya. Because I'm the student of the month. If someone else wants to be as awesome as me next month they can try.
12.What about all the other students who have worked hard?
They can get a pat on the back. Because if everyone was the student of the month it wouldn't be as special.
13.Who do you think pick's the student of the month?
The principle
14.Is this your first time being student of the month?
I believe so.
15.What should a student of the month get?
Two months vacation to Hawaii, and a bunny.
16.Do you think the student of the month is better than anybody else?
No, because its only for a month.
17.What do you think makes a student of the month?
How I work with others and my participation.
18.How do you think the other students feel about you being student of the month?
There will always be haters and supporters.
19.Is it fair?
Ya, because its only for a month.
20.Do you think you deserve to be the student of the month?
I do and it seems other people do as well.
I'm good, thank you.
2.Is being student of the month what you wanted?
Yes,it's a great honor.
3.Why do you think you are the student of the month?
I believe it's because I'm friendly and passionate about things I believe in.
4.How does your parents feel about it?
My mom is pretty shocked. Because it's me and she doesn't think I do anything.
5.How do you feel about being student of the month?
I feel cool. People don't believe I can achieve things and I'm like BAM! I'm student of the month, are you?
6.What are you like in school?
Really loud, a little bit too loud, I ask a lot of questions and befriend everyone.
7.How are you grades?
At the current moment not so good,but I'm working on it.
8.What are your favorite classes?
I really really really like English. It's my favorite subject.
9.What is your most difficult classes?
World history.I think I have the lowest grade in that class.
10.Who helps you with all your difficult classes?
My friend Caroline. She helps me with everything.
11.Do you think it's right to only give it to you?
Ya. Because I'm the student of the month. If someone else wants to be as awesome as me next month they can try.
12.What about all the other students who have worked hard?
They can get a pat on the back. Because if everyone was the student of the month it wouldn't be as special.
13.Who do you think pick's the student of the month?
The principle
14.Is this your first time being student of the month?
I believe so.
15.What should a student of the month get?
Two months vacation to Hawaii, and a bunny.
16.Do you think the student of the month is better than anybody else?
No, because its only for a month.
17.What do you think makes a student of the month?
How I work with others and my participation.
18.How do you think the other students feel about you being student of the month?
There will always be haters and supporters.
19.Is it fair?
Ya, because its only for a month.
20.Do you think you deserve to be the student of the month?
I do and it seems other people do as well.
Student of the month interview
1.Hello, how are you today?
2.Is being student of the month what you wanted?
3.Why do you think you are the student of the month?
4.How does your parents feel about it?
5.How do you feel about being student of the month?
6.What are you like in school?
7.How are you grades?
8.What are your favorite classes?
9.What is your most difficult classes?
10.Who helps you with all your difficult classes?
11.Do you think it's right to only give it to you?
12.What about all the other students who have worked hard?
13.Who do you think pick's the student of the month?
14.Is this your first time being student of the month?
15.What does a student of the month get?
16.Do you think the student of the month is better than anybody else?
17.What do you think makes a student of the month?
18.How do you think the other students feel about you being student of the month?
19.Is it fair?
20.Do you think you deserve to be the student of the month?
2.Is being student of the month what you wanted?
3.Why do you think you are the student of the month?
4.How does your parents feel about it?
5.How do you feel about being student of the month?
6.What are you like in school?
7.How are you grades?
8.What are your favorite classes?
9.What is your most difficult classes?
10.Who helps you with all your difficult classes?
11.Do you think it's right to only give it to you?
12.What about all the other students who have worked hard?
13.Who do you think pick's the student of the month?
14.Is this your first time being student of the month?
15.What does a student of the month get?
16.Do you think the student of the month is better than anybody else?
17.What do you think makes a student of the month?
18.How do you think the other students feel about you being student of the month?
19.Is it fair?
20.Do you think you deserve to be the student of the month?
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Interviewing skills
Three People_Parents,Students,&Teachers
1.Do you think it's reasonable to have a dress code?
2.What's your standpoint on this issue?
3.Will it make the percentage of fights any lower?
4.Is it going to help in anyway?
5.If so, then how?If not, how?
6.Would you want any say so in the price?
7.Would you want any say so in the way it looked?
8.Do you think it's pushing the boundary of the 1st amendment?
9.Would you wear uniforms, to look like everybody else?
10.Do you think the students should have a choices?
11.Would you wear the uniforms?
12.Do you think it will encourage more people to not want to come to school?
13.What do you think the punishment should be for not wearing uniform?If any?
14.Would you blame the students if they voiced their thoughts by protesting?
15.Is it wrong for the school to want the uniforms?
16.Why do you think the school board is enforcing it?
17.Should they have a different look for boys and girls?
18.If so,how do you think students will handle it?
19.Do you shoes also fall into dress code?
20.What do you think the dress code should look like?
1.Do you think it's reasonable to have a dress code?
2.What's your standpoint on this issue?
3.Will it make the percentage of fights any lower?
4.Is it going to help in anyway?
5.If so, then how?If not, how?
6.Would you want any say so in the price?
7.Would you want any say so in the way it looked?
8.Do you think it's pushing the boundary of the 1st amendment?
9.Would you wear uniforms, to look like everybody else?
10.Do you think the students should have a choices?
11.Would you wear the uniforms?
12.Do you think it will encourage more people to not want to come to school?
13.What do you think the punishment should be for not wearing uniform?If any?
14.Would you blame the students if they voiced their thoughts by protesting?
15.Is it wrong for the school to want the uniforms?
16.Why do you think the school board is enforcing it?
17.Should they have a different look for boys and girls?
18.If so,how do you think students will handle it?
19.Do you shoes also fall into dress code?
20.What do you think the dress code should look like?
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Individual Images
A picture i don't agree with them, is the photo with a close up of a man with a toothpick in his mouth. I didn't see how it was interesting in any way, or how it was even a good photo. I don't understand what the judges saw in this photo at all.
A picture i do agree with them on is a photo with a boxer is fighting. To me that was a very good picture. The lighting to me was right for the photo and the angle was different then most.
A picture i do agree with them on is a photo with a boxer is fighting. To me that was a very good picture. The lighting to me was right for the photo and the angle was different then most.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Spotrs action &&details
Name of photographer_Alyssa Schukar
General Focus_Story
Judges impression_The judges didn't like how every picture was the same; how the shoots where all the same distance away and how they used the same lens. They liked some photos, but they thought most of them where gloomy and dull.
Name of photographer_Travis Haughton
General Focus_story
Judges impression_The judges didn't like the photos. Most of them thought the photos where to tight and close. The photos they say where not very original. They liked the lighting, and some other little features but for the most part they weren't enjoying the portfolio.
My opinion_In my opinion the pictures where very story like. Each photo told story; about whatever. They where very interesting.
Name of photographer_Josh Birnbaum
General Focus_story/emotions
Judges impression_The judges didn't like how the pictures where all very plane. There where a couple that stuck out like a sore thumb but that was very rare. In the end they thought that he should have had only one story, and if he had two they should be different.
My opinion_In my opinion the pictures where very interesting and are mostly actions. In all the pictures everyone is doing something, but in the end the photos tell a story about handicap people.
Name of photographer_Anthony Souffle
General Focus_Story/emotions
Judges impression_The judges liked the pictures, and thought they where nice but the pictures weren't something they hadn't already seen.
My opinion_In my opinion these pictures where very emotional, and in the end the pictures story that was very interesting but in the beginning the pictures where just random emotions.
Name of photographer_Dustin Snipes
General Focus_actions/story
Judges impression_The judges liked mostly all the photos. They liked the angles, and different views. They thought the photos where very interesting and charismatic.
My opinion_In my opinion the pictures where not as emotional as others but had many people doing various activities, which was awesome to see the ways he took them. I think that's why he was the winner because of his unique and interesting views. Monday, March 21, 2011
disater in Japan
When I look at these photos, I feel scared because if it happened there it could happen anywhere in the world. It makes me question if the world is really going to end in a year. These pictures are very upsetting to see but it is reality. The photographer used
very interesting techniqes, actually all the photos where kust amazing because of there subject.

Thursday, March 10, 2011
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Touching people
I think the pictures where very interesting and unique. The idea the photographer had is very different view of art. I am very interested in it, If someone came up to me I would at first feel awkward but then after they explaining what it was for I would help and take a picture.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Monday, February 14, 2011
Yearbook elements&¬es
Cover- Many lines and words, im guessing the name of the school,or mascott. volume(# how many have made).Year it was made. Title. {Theme}-Anatomy of a titan
Front in-sheet- The theme is printed again inside. A table of context is giving of what is coved through out the whole book.
Back in-sheet-On the back the year is printed.
page1-On the this page there is more lines and the address,and websites to the school, and name of the school. The population of the school.
Spread[two pages connected to each other, that work together]- On the spread there is some students in action doing a cart wheel, its what connects the two pages.
Divder Page-[bright, stands out from the previous pages]..,1st page says "Features", 2nd one says "Student life"..,3rd page says "sports"..,4th one says "academics".., 5th one says "student life"..,6th one says "people"..,7th one says "ads & index"
Last pages-ads.,mainly senior ads,.yearbook staff&editors.,index.,sport's group photos.
Ads-over 80 ads..seniors
Cover- Many lines and words, im guessing the name of the school,or mascott. volume(# how many have made).Year it was made. Title. {Theme}-Anatomy of a titan
Front in-sheet- The theme is printed again inside. A table of context is giving of what is coved through out the whole book.
Back in-sheet-On the back the year is printed.
page1-On the this page there is more lines and the address,and websites to the school, and name of the school. The population of the school.
Spread[two pages connected to each other, that work together]- On the spread there is some students in action doing a cart wheel, its what connects the two pages.
Divder Page-[bright, stands out from the previous pages]..,1st page says "Features", 2nd one says "Student life"..,3rd page says "sports"..,4th one says "academics".., 5th one says "student life"..,6th one says "people"..,7th one says "ads & index"
Last pages-ads.,mainly senior ads,.yearbook staff&editors.,index.,sport's group photos.
Ads-over 80 ads..seniors
Monday, January 31, 2011
Best Covers
24. Informal
My favorite picture is the picture of Cyndi Lauper posing for the cover of Details. I like this photo because it is very interesting and to me its eye popping. The lighting is perfect for this photo, it brings out every color on her. Her snow like skin, dark eye makeup and bright green clothing. I like the way she posed and how the words don't collide with the photo. From the picture, people can tell its probably about Cyndi Lauper.
24. Informal
My favorite picture is the picture of Cyndi Lauper posing for the cover of Details. I like this photo because it is very interesting and to me its eye popping. The lighting is perfect for this photo, it brings out every color on her. Her snow like skin, dark eye makeup and bright green clothing. I like the way she posed and how the words don't collide with the photo. From the picture, people can tell its probably about Cyndi Lauper.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Types of magazine covers
1. Early Magazine Covers
- Always almost paintings
- There religious, moral, very ethical
- One big picture; no boarder
- Words do not distract the the readers from the photo
- Picture has to be very well done or iconic
- Risky; because some people might not like the subject
- Words don't interfere with the photo
- Able to see the photo; doesn't go against the photo
- Words go together
- Words go with the image
- Not knowing what else is in the magazines
- Not many entry points for readers to chose from
- Tons of text on the picture
- Lots of colors; many fonts; different sizes
- Too much just going all over the magazines
- Covers the photos
Stuff you see on a Magazines
- Name of magazines
- Price; bar code; date
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Magazine cover
1..Whats interesting?
2..Does it catch peoples eyes?
3..Whats the background going to look like?
4.. Is the background going to go with the subject?
5..Are the words going to take over the picture?
2..Does it catch peoples eyes?
3..Whats the background going to look like?
4.. Is the background going to go with the subject?
5..Are the words going to take over the picture?
Protraits&&Self Protrait Tips&&Ideas

I like these pictures because there very complex and there not just like any photos ive seen before. There unique in every way and the subject is in a unsual place but still are great photos. I picked them becuase of there unique style and creativeness.

For my portraits I want to take them of someone else; of who I don't really know right now. I just know there not going to be of me. And I hope there better than the ones from my previces shooting. My plan to make my photos come out the best they can is to make sure my photos are in focus and have the right amount of light.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Transition from 2010 to 2011
[Unable to get the image]
I like this photo because it shows how one minute an object could one thing then the next it is nothing. Such as the car, it was once a moving vechile now it seems that it is nothing. In just a short amount of time it was demolished. http://totallycoolpix.com/2010/12/top-100-sports-pictures-of-2010/ (#21)
I like this picture because it's very interesting to see. To me it's as if im there, i'm the one taking the photo. Becuase looking at her facial expression and the point from which the photographer took the picture. I can't really explain why I enjot looking at the picture, I just do.
Part 2
Best Song of 2010?
In my opinion the best song of 2010 was "Unthinkable" by Alicia Keys. To me that song was very original and many people enjoyed to hear it. And it was played through out the whole year, never getting old, in my opinion.
Best movie of 2010?
I think the best movie of 2010 was "Alice in Wonderland." It was very interesting to see how the people from the 21st century changed the old tale. It evolved in every way. It was also cool to see how they animation interact with the actors. To me it was the best movie of 2010.
Best news story?
The biggest story, I think of 2010 was the giant oil spill in the gulf of Mexico. It was very tragic but at the ame time interesting to see all these people from everywhere come together to help, and clean up. It also was very devastating to know that that happen not that far away from us.
Most important person of 2010?
The most important person of 2010, to me is Betty White. I know that sounds funny but to me she has made a huge come back. For a while she wasn't doing nothing and now shes on everything. She has always been around but now she is heading to the top again, in my opinion.
Most important sports news?
To me I don't really know anything about sports but I think whats very interesting is how Dallas cowboys haven't been wining that many games. Because most times people are so proud of their cowboys, now you don't ever really hear nothing from those cowboys lovers.
This break I really didn't do nothing but stay with family which was awsome because I saw some people I haven't seen in years so it was realy fun sharing my break with family. Also on my break my birthday past. It was a boring birthday but I got a camera which was awsome because I love taking photos so this will help me, I hope. This year I want to be more open and have more fun then I did last year. Last year was okay but very fast, it was too fast I did'nt even get to have fun.
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