Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Interviewing skills

Three People_Parents,Students,&Teachers

1.Do you think it's reasonable to have a dress code?
2.What's your standpoint on this issue?
3.Will it make the percentage of fights any lower?
4.Is it going to help in anyway?
5.If so, then how?If not, how?
6.Would you want any say so in the price?
7.Would you want any say so in the way it looked?
8.Do you think it's pushing the boundary of the 1st amendment? 
9.Would you wear uniforms, to look like everybody else?
10.Do you think the students should have a choices?
11.Would you wear the uniforms?
12.Do you think it will encourage more people to not want to come to school?
13.What do you think the punishment should be for not wearing uniform?If any?
14.Would you blame the students if they voiced their thoughts by protesting?
15.Is it wrong for the school to want the uniforms?
16.Why do you think the school board is enforcing it?
17.Should they have a different look for boys and girls?
18.If so,how do you think students will handle it?
19.Do you shoes also fall into dress code?
20.What do you think the dress code should look like?

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