Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Transition from 2010 to 2011

I like this picture because is sad and touching. This a picture you can just look at and already know what is happening without seeing a caption. It's a picture that tells a story without words. The story is as people see it.

[Unable to get the image] 
I like this photo because it shows how one minute an object could one thing then the next it is nothing. Such as the car, it was once a moving vechile now it seems that it is nothing. In just a short amount of time it was demolished.            http://totallycoolpix.com/2010/12/top-100-sports-pictures-of-2010/   (#21)

I like this picture because it's very interesting to see. To me it's as if im there, i'm the one taking the photo. Becuase looking at her facial expression and the point from which the photographer took the picture. I can't really explain why I enjot looking at the picture, I just do.

Part 2

Best Song of 2010?

In my opinion the best song of 2010 was "Unthinkable" by Alicia Keys. To me that song was very original and many people enjoyed to hear it. And it was played through out the whole year, never getting old, in my opinion.

Best movie of 2010?

I think the best movie of 2010 was "Alice in Wonderland." It was very interesting to see how the people from the 21st century changed the old tale. It evolved in every way. It was also cool to see how they animation interact with the actors. To me it was the best movie of 2010.

Best news story?

The biggest story, I think of 2010 was the giant oil spill in the gulf of Mexico. It was very tragic but at the ame time interesting to see all these people from everywhere come together to help, and clean up. It also was very devastating to know that that happen not that far away from us.

Most important person of 2010?

The most important person of 2010, to me is Betty White. I know that sounds funny but to me she has made a huge come back. For a while she wasn't doing nothing and now shes on everything. She has always been around but now she is heading to the top again, in my opinion.

Most important sports news?

To me I don't really know anything about sports but I think whats very interesting is how Dallas cowboys haven't been wining that many games. Because most times people are so proud of their cowboys, now you don't ever really hear nothing from those cowboys lovers.

This break I really didn't do nothing but stay with family which was awsome because I saw some people I haven't seen in years so it was realy fun sharing my break with family. Also on my break my birthday past. It was a boring birthday but I got a camera which was awsome because I love taking photos so this will help me, I hope. This year I want to be more open and have more fun then I did last year. Last year was okay but very fast, it was too fast I did'nt even get to have fun.

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