Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Protraits&&Self Protrait Tips&&Ideas

I liked these pictures because there very interesting and catched my eyes. There very unique and odd at the same time. But I like them. I picked them since all the other photos weren't that interesting to me.

I like these pictures because there very complex and there not just like any photos ive seen before. There unique in every way and the subject is in a unsual place but still are great photos. I picked them becuase of there unique style and creativeness.    

I like these photos becuase even though they are casual they are still strong and very interesting. Meaning just because there casual there still interesting to me.

For my portraits I want to take them of someone else; of who I don't really know right now. I just know there not going to be of me. And I hope there better than the ones from my previces shooting. My plan to make my photos come out the best they can is to make sure my photos are in focus and have the right amount of light.    

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