Friday, March 25, 2011

Spotrs action &&details

Name of photographer_Alyssa Schukar
General Focus_Story
Judges impression_The judges didn't like how every picture was the same; how the shoots where all the same distance away and how they used the same lens. They liked some photos, but they thought most of them where gloomy and dull.
My opinion_In my opinion the pictures where very interesting and different. I felt there where good but not that very eye catching, to me they look like photos you see everywhere. 

Name of photographer_Travis Haughton  
General Focus_story
Judges impression_The judges didn't like the photos. Most of them thought the photos where to tight and close. The photos they say where not very original. They liked the lighting, and some other little features but for the most part they weren't enjoying the portfolio. 
My opinion_In my opinion the pictures where very story like. Each photo told story; about whatever. They where very interesting.

Name of photographer_Josh Birnbaum
General Focus_story/emotions
Judges impression_The judges didn't like how the pictures where all very plane. There where a couple that stuck out like a sore thumb but that was very rare. In the end they thought that he should have had only one story, and if he had two they should be different.
My opinion_In my opinion the pictures where very interesting and are mostly actions. In all the pictures everyone is doing something, but in the end the photos tell a story about handicap people.

Name of photographer_Anthony Souffle 
General Focus_Story/emotions
Judges impression_The judges liked the pictures, and thought they where nice but the pictures weren't something they hadn't already seen. 
My opinion_In my opinion these pictures where very emotional, and in the end the pictures story that was very interesting but in the beginning the pictures where just random emotions.

Name of photographer_Dustin Snipes
General Focus_actions/story
Judges impression_The judges liked mostly all the photos. They liked the angles, and different views. They thought the photos where very interesting and charismatic.
My opinion_In my opinion the pictures where not as emotional as others but had many people doing various activities, which was awesome to see the ways he took them. I think that's why he was the winner because of his unique and interesting views.

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