Monday, April 4, 2011

Basic News Writing

WHO_Austin school district.
WHAT_The school district is going to cut jobs
WHEN_In the school year of 2011-2012.
WHERE_In Austin.
WHY_Because there are going to be short 94.4 million.
HOW_They don't have much money to pay all of them.

WHO_Barry Bonds
WHAT_He is being accused of taking steroids.
WHEN_During his time of being a professional baseball player.
WHERE_In California
WHY_So he can do time for breaking a law.
HOW_Since it's against the law to do any steroids while playing any professional sport.

WHO_Evacuees from Japan.
WHAT_They can't go back to there homes for a long period of time.
WHEN_ This is happening right now.
WHERE_In Japan.
WHY_Since the radiation has spread everywhere and it's contaminated the food and water.
HOW_Since the tsunami destroyed the power plant it messed up the bombs so it let radiation out everywhere.

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