Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Drug cartels in Mexico

This story was very interesting to read. I think its very jarring to know that this is happening not that far away from us. The fact that the people can rise against the government and take over also shows that the government isn't that strong enough to control their own people. Its also very sad that people aren't even safe in their own homes.   "The average ordinary resident of Juarez, their life is in danger every day." The only thing I don't understand is why they have to make a big thing about it, I mean I get it their selling drugs but they don't have to go crazy and start murdering everyone there.
My favorite image from the video is the photo of a close up of an older man crying because he's just found out his son is dead. I think the reason this photo is interesting to me is because it shows simplicity. And the photo shows how horrible things have gotten. There so bad that it makes a grown man cry.

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