Monday, November 22, 2010

Ethics in fashion photography

In the video the computer changed the girls appearance by  lifting her eye brows, lifting her neck,  plumping her lips, and enlarging her eyes. In my opinion I don't think it's acceptable for people to do that to people. It's not right because it's changing the natural order. It's basically lying to everybody who witnesses these images.
Another circumstance that is worse is the news paper because it's suppose to tell the truth at all times, no matter what it's about. I mean the title gives it away "News Paper." Its suppose to tell the news as it is. The only time I think it would be OK, or not really matter is when something is in the photo that  doesn't really belong . Such as someone throwing up gang signs or the bird. Other then that I don't think its ever right to change the whats in the photos.
To me the differences  between photojournalism and fashion photography is in fashion people have to look perfect. And there is nobody on earth that is perfect so people change the true image. But photojournalism is kinda the opposite. It doesn't change the true image, it leaves the pictures the way they are.

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